morning and thank you very much for your time to visit English Plus blog!
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I'd like to write about one of the features of English Plus.
Plus is a small, friendly, fun, and also has a family atmosphere English school; thus, we can listen to our students' comments directly and support them by providing necessary service in order to
help them improve their English skills.
we know and realize their weakness, we can suggest some effective self-training methods for each of them.
usually tell our students that "taking lessons regularly" is important, and "doing self-study constantly" is also necessary to improve English skills.
English Plus, we mainly provide 90-min group lessons, which consist of maximum 4 students in a class.
the lessons, we usually give our students some homework and most of them try and submit it the next time they take lessons.
English Plus' slogan is "Every day English", most of our students try to study not only on a lesson day but also in their free time.
feel that studying English has become daily routine for most of our students. (Great job!)
there are various features of our lessons and self-study support, and I'd like to let you know more about them.
One of
our features is "small class size."
As you
probably know, from the communication point of view, English is not an academic subject but a communication tool.
English as a communication tool, the most important point is how we use English after learning it.
our personal learning experience, practicing English a lot with others including other people and teachers helps us improve our English skills.
course, one-to-one teaching helps us improve our English skills, but a lot more students in a class can help us improve our English skills more since there are a lot more conversation topics in a
class, a wide variety of expressions and vocabulary we can learn, and we can hear other people's opinions too.
if there are too many students in a class, it's difficult to speak out or ask questions.
there isn't much time to speak English in a class or teachers can't focus on each student's speech.
at English Plus, our class room size is small - max 4 students in a class.
small class room size can help our students to communicate more, and our teachers can help our students when necessary.
feel that this class room size is very effective for our students to improve their English skills.
I've personally experienced teaching English at a vocational school, whose class room size was big - 30 students in a class, and at a famous English conversation school, whose class room sizes
vary and I taught one-to-one too, 4 students in a class is great and I can recommend.
we haven't been satisfied with our current teaching style, and we're looking for better ways to teach English from now on too.
If you
have any questions about English Plus, please ask from English
Plus Official Website.