小さな英語学校の取り組み ~ TOEICレッスン受講生のスコアアップに不可欠な「自己学習」に対するモチベーションアップの取り組み(英語編)

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< English Plus 夏休みのお知らせ >

Today, I'd like to write about what we are doing for our students to help them improve their English skills at English Plus.
Since English Plus is a small school, we can listen to our students' comments directly and support them by providing necessary service in order to help them improve their English skills.
When we know and realize their weakness, we can suggest some effective self-training methods for each of them.
Actually, in addition to taking lessons, doing self-study surely helps them to improve English skills.
So, we decided our slogan "Every day English" and started "Every day English program."
Because of this program, most of our students try to study English every day, and it's become their daily routine! (Great work!)
At English Plus, we offer a wide variety of lessons, and one of them is "TOEIC test preparation course."
To get a higher score, not only taking our lessons, but also doing self-study is essential.
So, in order to support the TOEIC students more, we've recently made original "Self-Study sheet for the TOEIC."
It is a fact that "The longer time they spend for self-study, the higher their TOEIC score will be."
We encourage our TOEIC students to improve their English skills and TOEIC score at the same time.
English Plus is a very small school, but we do anything we can to support our students.
For more information about English Plus, please check English Plus Official Website. 

今日の英語でのひとこと:"Let's try to study English every day!"

東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus


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東京都港区田町芝浦の英会話教室 English Plus (イングリッシュプラス) について 

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◆◆◆ English Plusの取り組み ◆◆◆



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