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< 英語学校アクティビティ >
17時30分~18時30分 「Pronunciation Clinic(発音矯正)」
18時30分~20時 「Summer English Game Night(英語でゲームを楽しもう!)」
Today, I'd like to introduce English Plus' new "Travel Conversation" course.
At English Plus, we hold "Travel Conversation course" depending on a season.
In this course, our students can learn some practical English that must be useful when they travel abroad alone or in a group tour.
For instance, our students can learn how to ask for directions, how to go through trouble, how to order food at a restaurant and so on.
We often revised and improved the Travel Conversation course; however, we decided to recheck and revise the whole curriculum.
The newly revised curriculum has become more practical and useful for those who are thinking about traveling abroad since this course is based on our personal travel experience abroad, and our
students' travel experiences.
This course is suitable for those who don't have so much confidence in their English.
The new "Travel Conversation" course consists of 12 lessons, which means this is a 3-month course. (once a week course.)
It depends on a situation or demand, we're thinking about when to start the new "Travel Conversation" lessons.
If you are interested in Travel Conversation Lessons and other English Plus' lessons, please ask us questions directly or check out English
Plus' official website.
(Today's photo from English Plus' inside)
English Plus is open from 10 between Tuesdays and Saturdays
English Plusは火曜日~土曜日10時~オープン
今日の英語でのひとこと:"Let's improve English skills from now on to enjoy anywhere you go!"
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