Good morning and I truly appreciate your visit to English Plus blog!
Today, I'd like to write about a piece of advice for English learners.
When you hear "communicating in English", you may be able to imagine a wide variety of situations.
For instance, talking on the phone, check-in at the airport, and so on.
There are a lot of situations we can think about, and to make this communication more successful, one of the most important communication skills is "listening."
If you don't catch what another person says or understand what he/she means, it's difficult to make communication.
If you want to communicate in English more smoothly, "improving listening skills" is the first thing you have to do.
So, today I'd like to write about one of the five tips about how to improve listening skills.
The second one is "Try no to interpret or translate while listening."
When you start interpreting or translating what you hear, you might not be able to catch the following word or sentence.
While listening to English, stop interpreting or translating, and try to concentrate on listening.
If you don't understand vocabulary or expressions, take a memo and check the dictionary after listening.
About the materials for listening training, you don't have to buy a new book.
Please use what you have, such as TOEIC book and so on.
I know you are busy every day, but try every day and make the training your daily routine!
At English Plus, we give some advice on how to improve English skills.
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Plus Official Website.
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今日の英語でのひとこと:"Let's improve listening skills step by step!"
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